Trip to the seaside? Maybe not…

The plan was to drive west and get to the seaside. However, as our plans generally seem to be quite fluid when we travel this never eventuated. We did see a lot of the countryside heading out towards the sea but that was about it.

I have put in a few pics of that tour which included a lovely walk around a tiny village off the main road called Lower Quantock. We couldn’t believe it when we rounded a corner on the narrow, winding country road to find a little village of thatch roofed houses. There was a little village church as well to look at which was deserted but open for people to browse through.

Next we headed towards Minehead but got as far as Dunster before we realised that it was getting too late in the day and we needed to start heading home. Before we did though we stopped off on the side of the road for a cappucino (very civilised aren’t we) and some toasted bread that we had left over from our trip to Wells the day before. Shaz we took this pic especially for you so you can see that the toaster you gave us is being put to good use!

Bit of a lazy entry this week as we didn’t do any traveling in the weekend just past. Our big trip to Scotland is coming up soon so we need to focus on planning that one especially as we are hearing stories of snow storms and the like up there. Brrrrrrrrrr.

As we were heading back into Bristol the sun was setting as we got a lovely view of the Clifton Suspension Bridge. This is an amazing design by Isambard Kingdom Brunel who won a design competition in the 1830’s and we now have this bridge as a result of that. He also designed the Temple Meads Railway Station, the bridge crossing the Wye in Chepstow, the rail line from London to Bristol and so much more.

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