Sorry – out sick

This weekend was a dud one. Not feeling too crash hot this weekend and as I am spending two days in London this week for work I really needed to have a quiet one. So besides visiting a friend for dinner and returning my library books that was about as exciting as it got. How tragic! Good news is that we are both feeling a bit better. Seriously, this country is going to kill us with all its bugs. Heaven help us if Avian Influenza decides to jump species!

I have recently finished a book though that might be of interest. Titled “Lift the Label” which is about arming yourself with the knowledge as to where your goods come from and taking this forward to make changes in your life. Knowing how they were produced, where, and by what means. From a Christian perspective it then outlines the charge to us from a biblical aspect as to how the bible points out to us that our duty is to protect those weaker and more vulnerable than us. To put into action the commandment “to love your neighbour as yourself” and taking control of your purchasing power to ensure it doesn’t harm others. Not stopping there it talks about how to be “wind changers” . A person who brings about change by talking to others. I would suggest this means not harping on at them and making them feel bad about their choices in comparison to yours (as many people do) but imparting knowledge and guidance so people know that there are choices and what those choices mean. Showing a committment to your choices and being a positive advocate in what you do and say. In saying all this though I am finding that there are many obvious choices I can make i.e. the very large range of Fairtrade products which I can substitute where possible, however the really hard task is clothing. I have a general idea what I am looking for i.e. if it is extremely cheap, someone paid the price for it, hence I look elsewhere. However, what clothes can I buy that are ethically traded (besides t-shirts!) or other shapeless, badly designed clothes. If anyone knows somewhere that does great, ethically traded clothes, please let me know.

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