Winter laying

On the last post I made a comment about eggs not being available anywhere on the River Cottage shop menu for brekkie. After some research brought about by a good point made from a work colleague it would seem that egg laying is seasonal? Who the heck would have known. I thought I was (or I try to be) reasonably up to date on where my food comes from, how it was handled/treated and making choices appropriate to season. So it surprised me when in my naivety I have assumed that as I can always buy eggs year round in the supermarket that hens lay at the same capacity all year round.

Apparently egg production decreases over the winter months. Due to shorter daylight hours production drops off. So they don’t stop altogether but you wouldn’t expect the number of eggs as during the lighter months. How about that. I wonder though if this doesn’t affect us as much downunder as we don’t get the same type of incredibly short days as what we get here in the UK? Anyway, that is your bit of possibly insightful news for today.

If I’m incorrect, blame it on Wikipedia 😉