Happy Birthday Lynn!

HB for the 20th gorgeous! Have a great one.

We haven’t been doing too much traveling lately which has been a shame. Mainly because Steve works on Saturday’s and gets days off during the week. Great if you want things done in the city etc but not really too conducive to weekend travels.

The weather was nice today so we went out for breakfast. After 18 months we STILL haven’t found anywhere decent in Bristol for breakfast. I miss our haunt in Petersham where I got my favourite order which was called Nim’s eggs along with the necessary morning coffee. Yum.

This week was a busy one at work meeting with a bunch of potential suppliers so I was glad for a day of down time. I spent it listening to music (really into Kate Miller-Heidke at the moment), watching movies and snoozing. Bliss!

Anyway, have a great week all, a special happy birthday to Lynn and catch you all again real soon.

Cheers – C