After a long number of years I finally decided to give climbing a go. Granted this was bouldering so it was a lot closer to the ground for my liking. I really enjoyed it however my muscles are currently still aching (hurts to type). My teacher (Steve) was fabulous. I think he was more impressed that I actually listened to him and took on board all that he suggested.
Usually I would be rather argumentative and try to impose my own take on the situation but I figure he has been doing this for a very long time so maybe it would be wise of me to pay attention and listen. It worked! I’m not dead and he managed to coach me to the top of some of the climbs. OK so they were the easiest routes in the centre but I’m a chicken what can I say 🙂
I am quite keen to try it again once the swelling in my fingers go down and I can successfully left my arms above my head without debilitating pain. Other than this, it rocked!