I am looking at the weather widget I have on my desktop. It currently reads 0 degrees, with the wind chill factored in it is -6. I suppose this is not unlikely as it is nearly midnight. I am inside sitting next to the radiator and my toes are still frozen. You know its cold when you contemplate how long you can hold for before bursting in order to avoid leaving the radiator for the bathroom. I am looking at the weather for the next 5 days, rain and lows of 0. Now, I don’t mind the cold so much as you can always rug up and get warm (obviously this point has past me by seeing as my toes could do with some more socks), but I do have an issue with rain AND cold. That’s just plain mean. Cold is one thing, miserably wet and cold just really sucks. What’s the pay off? There is none. Bring on the snow and stop mucking around!