I went and got my eyes tested in the weekend. Been getting a sharp pain just above my eye and with generally about 7 hours of computer work each day (including at home time) it is no wonder. However, it would seem that my eyesight (in particular my long distance is great). There is a slight degradation for short distance but nothing that I should be concerned about. More so to do with age than anything else. I could get some glasses by they won’t do that much so I didn’t bother. Going without them also won’t escalate any issues.
However, I did decide to pay the extra and get a photo of my eyeballs. How cool. By looking at the blood vessels they can provide an earlier detection for glycoma, diabetes, hypertension etc. All clear here as well. Yee hah. I just wanted to post a picture of my eyeball. It looks really freaky! Now if I remember correctly, the white bit that looks like it is glowing is the optic nerve. I have forgotten what the darker bit was.