One year since this blog has been in action (date of the first entry was 26th December 2006) and I have had fun looking back through our year. So far I have written up 12 movies (however we have seen far more than this). I have failed to add anything about the books I have read this year which is a shame as there have been a number of good ones, there have only been 3 “Observation” entries however I have now completed the 101st entry to date.
I have never been one for extravagant new year resolutions as situations can change so quickly and there are few things more demoralising than looking back at a list of plans and feeling as if you have not accomplished anything. However I do think it wise to plot a “destination” just as we did when we decided to move to the UK although it is not always a literal location that I refer to. This way we have the direction but because we are not so fixated on the rock solid unwavering plan of getting there we have time to listen, take notice and be proactive to what is happening around us. I think this also holds well in day to day life. We get so caught up in our tunnel vision of where we need to be that we forget to really look and listen to what is going on around us.
So here’s to a new year of listening, seeing, undertaking wise counsel and being proactive.