As I type this my keyboard is incredibly hot and I am thinking whether I should continue in the evening when it is cooler? I guess that’s what laptop fans are for? Oh well, let’s test it out.
Apparently it is 28 degrees at the moment. I must say I am loving this although after 3 years in the cool of the UK I am a bit out of practice. The key to warm weather? Hydration (and air conditioning). Key items we discovered from 10 years in Australia. Hydration – check, air conditioning – hard to come by unless you can visit any large malls (none here in Taupo for which I am thankful for. Glad to say I don’t miss the “urge” to fill my day with meaningless window shopping, instead it is filled with walks, climbing, swimming, hooray!). Thankfully the lake is only 100 metres away and I have already had my swim today.
This morning before it got too hot we took off to Kinloch for a bouldering session. It was so wonderfully cool under the forest canopy. Just bliss. We probably should have stayed there until evening but the mosquitoes were starting to get annoying. So after a bite to eat on the ol’ camping stove it was a swim and then home. I’m stoked I managed to get another section under my belt. The next thing I have to do is get some climbing shoes that fit. I have Steve’s old ones which are about 2 sizes too large so I get no purchase on the rock for the smaller spots. Silly yes, but it allows me to climb until I have found some of my own that I like.
This year is the first in many that we have had a tan for Christmas. Mind you I am not trying for one! Again if Australia taught us anything vanity is NOT worth dying for. I’m quite happy with fluorescent white legs if it means I get more out of my time here on Earth.
After 4 days off work it is back to it tomorrow for another 3. Pooh. I’m liking this “no work” scenario although it could get a bit tiresome when it comes to paying the bills. Always a freaking catch.
Some of my highlights these holidays, stunning weather, awesome sunsets, watching some guys go over Huka Falls in their kayaks, receiving some pictures of my gorgeous nephews (thanks Gemma and Garrison), a visit from my parents for Christmas Day, getting the jungle of a lawn under control (sad I know), creating some excellent pizzas on my new pizza stone I got from mum and dad for Christmas. It would have been nice to spend more of my days off with Steve but alas he had to work. This retail work scenario in Taupo is rather a bore but what can you do at this point? Keep an eye on the goal – lifestyle! Your job is NOT your whole world but is does allow you to do the things you love so a healthy balance must be created.