How time has flown. We have finally made it to Taupo on a wing and a prayer. There was a mad dash down the line with, yet again, nothing but our bags of clothes, a borrowed car and my faithful IPhone with 3G to get ringing around those rental agencies. We had a bit of a hiccup with housing hence why the last minute dash. I was due to start work on Monday but as I have now discovered in NZ things take a little bit longer than anticipated. So it was a mad dash to Taupo ringing real estate agents on the way trying to book in viewings. By the time we got to Taupo though we had secured a place to reside. Hallelujah!
So now 3 weeks in we have the internet connected and a phone number (but no physical phone!) so that’s next on the list to purchase. No point having a phone number without something for people to ring you on! Not that I know what the phone number is as I still don’t have any mail advising me of this yet?
I have been in and out of Taupo with training for my new job so this is the first week where I have actually benefited from living here so far. That is, I have walked home from work 3 nights this week and walked into work today. This may sound rather pathetic but by the end of the day as a newie in this job you are rather catatonic and the thought of doing anything such as figuring out how to get home is not high on my list of capabilities. Steve has been incredible and when I get home dinner is cooked, coffee is on and the world is good again.
Also, the first day so far of not wanting to crawl under a rock and just vegetate. Seriously, changing careers is freaking hard work.
My birthday was last week. Thanks to everyone for your texts and FB messages. I really appreciated all the love! It was awesome to see my parents that weekend as well. They brought a bunch of stuff in a convoy down to Taupo for us which was fab. Mostly I just enjoyed seeing and spending time with them both as well as getting to spend some more time with K & R in Auckland. Thanks again guys for a good night in. We really enjoy our time with you both.
Anyway, I have some homework to do. I’m taking a product morning at the next team meeting so I must do some research on all things “LA”. Until next time. Cheerio pip pip.