This week we have been in the grip of an Arctic freeze coming down from the north. Temperatures for the last week have rarely gone above freezing in Bristol. Up in Scotland they recorded -22 somewhere.
We really only had an overnight dump of snow but it was fantastic. However once the snow stops, the slush starts and when this becomes frozen, the problems start. The sidewalks are slick with ice. The street where we park our car is a sloping ice rink. Yesterday we went to check the car to see if it would start for Friday going to work. During the 5 minutes we were there two cars slid right past us and into the intersection. One hit another vehicle. It was a very bizarre sight, almost as if in slow motion. Thankfully no one was hurt. I called the council to get the road gritted but to no avail. I think only 2 accidents on a street is a low priority to them at the moment?
The up side to snow days are working from home (although as it is freezing at home during the day I am not quite convinced this was a real up side) and frolicking in the snow. Ok, that’s the best up side.
So, here are some photos of us frolicking with our flatmate, snowman building and of course snowball fights.