So this weekend was spent watching movies. OK, you got us. However, you have to take the opportunities when they arise. Steve has been ill the last 2 weeks with a cold so we decided to take an easy weekend and just veg (which means watching movies).
Reese Witherspoon, Jake Gyllenhaal and Meryl Streep are the key names in this film. The movie deals with the use of extraordinary rendition whereby person/s suspected of terrorist activity can be transported from their place of capture to their country or any other country for questioning, intelligence gathering, trial etc. Returning from a business trip to South Africa, Isabella’s husband (Anwar) is a no show at the airport stateside. Confused she sets about trying to figure out where he has gotten to. Little does she know that he was on the plane but upon landing in the US was immediately removed by the government and whisked away under the “extreme rendition” law due to possibly links to an explosion in Cairo.
Enjoyable enough but who’s purpose is it serving? Am I too cynical in thinking why is this being made and for what purpose? How sad is that. Meryl Streep was fabulously disagreeable, you just wanted to dislike her intensely. In Cairo the family story happening between Abasi Fawal (Security Chief) and his daughter lead to an interesting end.
Still making my decision on this one purely because of my attitude of “who does this serve” thoughts. So far, 4.5 out of 10.