Bizarre morning

First off, happy birthday Grandad. Sorry to hear that you haven’t been well. I got up early this morning hoping to chat with you and nana on Skype but mum texted and said you had been in hospital. Love to you all and hope you are feeling better soon in the meantime you are in my prayers everyday as always.

Woke up to another surprise this morning. I am not one for sleeping in. I wake up every morning whether weekday or weekend between 6.30 and 6.44am. That’s not a surprise just a bizarre body clock. I woke up to a silent street. Not so surprising seeing as it is the weekend. I then went back to sleep after trying to contact mum on Skype. A bit unusual for me as I never sleep in. It must have been because I am feeling a bit sick and it was so quiet this morning. Woke up again at 10am. Very eerie now because it was still silent outside. Decided to get up have a shower, have a cup of coffee. No milk. Stepped outside to cross the road to get some milk from the supermarket. Still no traffic! Very strange as it is usually full on with cars and buses. I look left and right and what do I see – police tape! Oops.

It would seem that there was a shooting last night outside the local pub where someone appears to have been killed. The forensic crime team is crawling around on all fours doing the whole “CSI” style photographing, numbering, scribbling in notepads etc. What is scarily surprising is that I don’t seem shocked. Steve asks me if I’m OK and I answer yes. What is wrong with us that someone could be shot near our home and the whole street doesn’t bat an eyelid but continues getting on with life moving around the tape. Is it that we are so desensitized to death that we no longer connect to it on a personal level? Is there so much evil that we see and hear about everyday we don’t react anymore to it? I am not too concerned about where we live as this could happen to anyone, anywhere. More concerned about the fact that everyone seems happy to continue on with their daily life as if nothing happened. Not sure what to think of it all. Bizarre.